Beyond Aviation

More than just parts

Tired of the constant hit and miss when sourcing parts?

We offer access to a network of genuine, qualified suppliers that meet stringent requirements for quality and service.

Generations of Experience

AVSearch is the go-to destination for airlines looking for high-quality parts.

We’ve been supporting  small and large operators for more than 30 years. Our capabilities cover commercial aircraft, business aircraft, and regional aircraft. Our main focus is understanding our customers and ensuring all their needs are met to the highest standard. To do this we maintain our own inventory whilst working in partnership with a large network of aviation professionals. 

Meet the Team

  • With over 30 of experience, Leigh is a giant in the aviation industry. Leigh is the founder of AVSearch and co-founder of C&L Aerospace. Leigh has also built and managed several other successful aviation businesses. During his career Leigh has covered every facet of the aviation industry. Leigh is considered a friend and valued business partner to many of the industries leaders.

  • David has spent the last 14 years making connections at every level with MRO’s and operators globally. Davids ability to understand and meet the needs of his clients is second to none. Davids concern for his clients success is such that to many he is no longer just a business partner, but a friend.

Think we can help?

We can help. Let's discuss your needs and tailor a solution just for you.